Extra Accounts explained

You might have only opened 1 account with U, but now you can create up to 20*.

By setting up an Extra Account, you'll be able to move money between your main U Account and any that you've created, free and instantly. You can set up payments to be taken directly from any Extra Account so you don't need to worry about moving money around.

Each Extra Account supports direct debits. If you'd like to use the direct debit facility on an Extra Account, just click the 'Direct Debit' option during setup and a unique account number and sort code for that Extra Account will appear. You can switch off the direct debit option at any time. Please note that if you select to use direct debits on your account and there isn't a direct debit set up within 3 months, we'll turn off the facility for your security. You can come back and switch it back on at any time.

If you have a direct debit set up on your account for 13 months and the supplier hasn't requested a payment in that period, we'll automatically cancel your direct debit for your security.

Money you have in an Extra Account won't be used to cover any payments that have failed due to insufficient funds in another of your accounts.

*There's a monthly charge for each Extra Account, but you can get up to 5 free with our Price Point choices. Find out more on your Fees page.